Introducing... Me!
Hi all!
I have finally mustered the courage to transfer an accumulation of ideas, thoughts, recipes and delights on paper—I mean, screen, so let's get started with an introduction!
My name is Alesia (pronounced A-lee-ssi-ya), and I am a mixed-race #Canadian. Growing up, my love for languages and communications translated into me learning five languages and pursuing a university education in #Translations. The thought of learning new languages and getting good at them in the hopes of connecting with people from different walks of life was/is a true passion of mine. How fun is it to speak to others in their language and have a full-length conversation when on vacation!? There was one language in particular that I learned after uni, not included in the former five, that was my favourite: Love.
Almost TWO years ago, I married my husband, my best friend. (Wow, I have been a Mrs. for almost TWO YEARS... crazy how time flies!!) If there were ever two people who thought more alike, or who got along as well as we did, I would tip my hat off to them. Now, I'm not saying things are always "perfect", but they are pretty darn close, and I feel pretty darn blessed. And as life would have it, we are expecting a wee little one this #November2015. A boy. Our baby #Lukas. He melts my heart every time I feel his teeny tiny kicks.
#Pregnancy has proven to be a challenging time, as many mothers-to-be can agree, in terms of fitness, if you were someone like me who LOVED sports and getting in shape, #diet, hormonal changes, what #crib, #stroller and #travelsystem to buy, etc. However, this is a fabulous time to pick yourself up and develop long-lasting healthy habits you can teach your kiddies, that range from meditation to eating the best you can, for optimal overall health. But it has also proven to be one of the most rewarding times I think I will ever experience in my life. Just knowing that my hubby and I have the ability to create life and build a safe and secure home for our little one is heart-warming.
Any way, enough about me for now. I thank you, if anyone took the time to read my first ever blog! I'm not entirely sure how this all works just yet, but if you do start to follow me, I promise some nice recipes, a follow-up on how the #preggolife is going, pitcures, some cool fitness moves and so on. I also have some good food pictures on my Instagram account, @alesiaidunn. If you see anything you like and want the #recipe, let me know!!
Have a great Monday!
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