For starters, I actually slept this week. And I am not talking about sleeping for a few hours here and there. I actually went to bed early (passed out by 10 every night), had a full night's rest, felt no back pain, and woke up a total of once nightly, IF I even woke up at all. It was bliss, and my body is feeling great about it.
Last week, on the other hand, was a horrendously painful pregnancy week. I could not get myself to fall asleep earlier than 11 p.m. some nights and not until 1:30 a.m. other nights. And when I did finally get to sleep, I would be awoken to a pressing urge to use the bathroom, between two to five times a night, with the addition of the occasional startled wake-up (which is definitely out of the norm for moi).
I am wondering if it has anything to do with the temperatures beginning to drop or with the slight increase in the amount of "comfort foods" I have recently been consuming.
For example, my husband and I went out for a last-minute car ride late at night last weekend. It was a pretty cool time, actually. We went out for a nice walk in our downtown area, split some yummy +BeaverTails (relax, Canadians don't eat real beaver tails... They are simply deep-fried dough covered in cinnamon and brown sugar. Mmmmm) and then went out to a wicked late-night diner where we indulged in the best strawberry milkshake and onion rings in town. On our drive back home, we noticed a cool outdoors dance party at one of the museums. It felt like such an adventurous night! And well, that night marked the first time in months I was able to get solid sleep until morning.
It has been the best little gift during this pregnancy thus far, and I have been taking advantage of it every chance I get. I think when your body shows you signs of fatigue, you must drop what you are doing and just sleep, especially if those Zzzzzz have been lacking lately. And for whatever reason, the urge to use the washroom in the middle of the night has significantly been impacted. I mean, nowadays, I only wake up around the time my alarm goes off to get my day started.
And so far so good!!! I'm crossing my fingers that things stay the same!
Thanks for reading,
-Alesia D.
I am wondering if it has anything to do with the temperatures beginning to drop or with the slight increase in the amount of "comfort foods" I have recently been consuming.
For example, my husband and I went out for a last-minute car ride late at night last weekend. It was a pretty cool time, actually. We went out for a nice walk in our downtown area, split some yummy +BeaverTails (relax, Canadians don't eat real beaver tails... They are simply deep-fried dough covered in cinnamon and brown sugar. Mmmmm) and then went out to a wicked late-night diner where we indulged in the best strawberry milkshake and onion rings in town. On our drive back home, we noticed a cool outdoors dance party at one of the museums. It felt like such an adventurous night! And well, that night marked the first time in months I was able to get solid sleep until morning.
It has been the best little gift during this pregnancy thus far, and I have been taking advantage of it every chance I get. I think when your body shows you signs of fatigue, you must drop what you are doing and just sleep, especially if those Zzzzzz have been lacking lately. And for whatever reason, the urge to use the washroom in the middle of the night has significantly been impacted. I mean, nowadays, I only wake up around the time my alarm goes off to get my day started.
And so far so good!!! I'm crossing my fingers that things stay the same!
Thanks for reading,
-Alesia D.