In the past few months, I have been asked about whether or not I have packed my hospital bag, what I put in it so far and what is left to buy. And in all honesty, I have only just begun putting my things together and assembling my thoughts (I am at 37+ weeks and have been putting off the thought of delivery and everything related to it for a while now. Oops!). There are some things, like makeup, undergarments and entertainment, that I have already thought of packing, but what else could I possibly bring with me?
I need to keep reminding myself that once I have that baby, I will no longer only be "Alesia Dunn", wife to a Mr Dunn. No, the moment I have that baby and step out of the hospital, I will be known as Mrs Dunn AND as Lukas's mommy. A mommy! Now, if that is not overwhelming and full of promise, I do not know what would be. Therefore, I need to pull myself together and ensure that my bags are packed in preparation for this special little gift from the heavens. I need to make sure that, while at the hospital and beyond, my motherly instincts kick in and that I pack the necessities for my sweet angel and mentally prepare to become someone's permanent caregiver. Not only that, but I also need to pack a few things for me, for hubby and a little something for the medical staff that will be helping me get through this delivery.
So without further ado, here is a short list of things that may slip your mind while you pack your bags.
For Baby
1. Newborn or Premie Diapers
Excited you finally get to use that awesome diaper bag you just got?! Well, it is time to stuff it with a few diapers and baby wipes for your stay at the hospital. Nurses will definitely show you how to change your little angel's diaper while you enjoy your stay. I have heard that a small pack is recommended!
2. Baby's Going-Home Outfit
I don't know about you, but I have been thinking of what my baby will be coming home in and how to make him as comfortable as he can be. And luckily, my mother-in-law saved my husband's going-home outfit for this very purpose. I bought a miniature onesie to replace the one my hubby wore on his very first day (so that our baby has his own) but the tiny knit jacket, socks and hat will be 28-year old classics on Lukey's hospital-release day! Mommies, I know you are excited, but be mindful of the season and of the weather in which you and your babe will be released. No t-shirts allowed in -5 weather, that is for sure!
3. Car Seat
If there is one thing you definitely need once you have been discharged, it is a car seat, and a properly installed one at that. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully, and even get it checked out at your local fire station for extra reassurance. A lot of times, a nurse will actually accompany you to your care to ensure you have properly installed your car seat. So to avoid any stalling, get this item ready a few weeks before your delivery.
4. Baby's First Keepsake
Ever heard of "Landmark Moments: Baby Edition" before? Well, it is a collection of baby cards from the U.K. that help document, you guessed it, milestone moments. This pack of 38 contains cards with landmark weeks, months and major occasions. Personally, I will be bringing the "Today I Arrived into the World" one for baby's delivery date. One drawback to this product, however, is that they do not ship to North America. It is unfortunate, since this product is thoughtful and would be perfect to give as a baby shower or home-visit gift. For a full list of what types of milestones are included in this pack, click here.
For Mommy
1. Health Card
If you live in Canada, this one is a no-brainer.
2. Bag of Maxi Pads
Right after baby arrives up until a few weeks post-birth, you will be needing these to protect your clothes from stains. I did not know this until recently, so I went out and bought some. It makes sense though, I do not know why I did not even think of it!
3. Toiletries
At first, I was only going to bring essentials, as in shampoo, condition, toothbrush/toothpaste and maybe some foundation to keep things simple. But then I started thinking about how great it feels to freshen up and get dolled up after a big workout or long, hard day. Delivery is no different. I know that after I have my baby, I want to look and feel fresh, and if that means bringing in a few extra products to boost my self-confidence (after learning first-hand how to breast feed, change a diaper, bathe a newborn and RECOVER from delivery) then it must be done! So my list quickly grew from shampoo, conditioner and foundation to all the items in this ------> picture. And to take care of my dry skin and clogged pores, I decided to bring my +Lush Cup O' Coffee Scrub, since we all know things can get pretty sweaty during labour. (So glamorous, right?) Oh, and don't forget the deodorant!
4. Nursing Bras
First-time mom? Yeah, I think it is time for you to give up the +Victoria's Secret bras and trade them in for some good ol' nursing bras (and don't forget the breast pads). You will need these so that your newborn has full access to the goods when he gets hungry. That is, if you plan on breastfeeding of course.
5. Snacks
Think the baby will come out right when you get to the hospital? Not necessarily. A lot of times, expecting mothers can be in the first stage of labour for hours. And in the meantime, nurses are working around the clock and sometimes well into their deserved breaks, just to help out. I did not know or even think about this until recently, but they barely get a bite in on the job. So to show your appreciation for their commitment and hard work, I strongly suggest making them some snacks (for them and for you, of course, since you will need energy for labour). So far, I have made banana bread muffins. For the recipe, click here. I also plan on making energy balls and bringing some vegetables, nuts and raisins. Do not forget to bring a water bottle (perhaps one for you and one for hubby)!
For Hubby
1. Toiletries
Because daddy needs to feel fresh too!
2. His Own Pillow
While mothers get to enjoy sleeping in a hospital bed, dads often get stuck on the sleeper chairs. To sort of improve the overnight experience that is sleeping in a hospital, consider bringing along a pillow. Or, if both mommy and daddy are okay with it, it may be wiser to send him home to sleep comfortably in his own bed so that he is energized and ready to take care of mom and baby when he returns to the hospital the next morning.
3. Chargers and Entertainment
Again, since there may be loads of downtime at the hospital, it would be a good idea to pack the phone chargers and perhaps bring a laptop to enjoy +Netflix or a book.
4. Change
Don't forget to bring some change for the parking meters! Your significant other would not want to be stuck without any change or his wallet. Obviously there are different paying systems depending on where you are located, but I suggest having both some change and a credit card handy.
5. Change of Clothes
If your hunny decides to stay the night, remind him to pack extra clothes! A pair of jeans, shirts and socks will do the trick.
I hope this list helps anyone who is still struggling with what to pack or that it at least motivates some of you to get going.
-Alesia D.
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Not your first time packing a hospital bag? What were your essential items?