Firstly, my little Lukas is not so little anymore. In fact, he now weighs a whopping 27-ish lbs, independently sits, crawls backwards, babbles a lot, and has started eating different types of purees, from mango to fully cooked eggs and beef. He has a personality to die for and is as sweet as the best dessert you can think of. He is so curious about everything and everyone around him and smiles all the time.
My happy baby now has six little pearly whites and has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. He sleeps full nights and tries imitating sounds mommy and daddy make. He claps his hands, signs with his hands when he wants you to pick him up and twists his wrists to show he is dancing!
Ugh, I could go on forever (and I bet any mom can relate) but let's give a quick update on what has been going on over the past few months in the world of Alesia Dunn.
To begin, March and April were really tough on me. I had a mix of what felt like PPD and wanderlust, so much so, that I was very close to booking a trip to Florida with my baby boy (since daddy was busy working) just to get away and "break the routine". But instead, I called up some relatives in beautiful British Columbia and decided to head there in June! May was an amazing/quick-passing month. Like, it f l e w by. Matthew and I got to celebrate our first birthdays with mister Lukas, and I had my first official Mother's Day. On June 8th, I travelled with Lukeybear to Vancouver, and it was the first time I'd taken a plane without my husband since we started dating! (I will write a post on travelling alone with a baby and a comparison between +WestJet and +Air Canada in another post, because I think I have some useful information for mamas travelling alone with their kids!!)
Then in end of June, I did a road trip with my son. This time, it was to Niagara Falls for a meet-up with several moms I met through the +What To Expect forum board, which then became a +Facebook group, which then became friendships and meetups. So Lukey and I have been everywhere—my new travel buddy!
Oh, oh, and my baby boy got baptised last weekend! It was beautiful, and my boy was just a pleasure. Although he was tired, he was still smiley and ready to indulge in the good food, and even better company. I made all the centrepieces and the seating chart myself. (Let me know if you would like to see pictures and tutorials!)
So that's that for now. Man, I am kind of proud of myself for actually writing this post, I did not think I could finish writing it in one day!
Stay tuned for more :-)
-Alesia D.
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