Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Today, I am one day closer to completing my sixth month. So exciting!!

It took me some time before I understood the concept of being X-number of weeks, but also being in the process of completing Z-number of weeks all at the same time. For example, I have now completed 22 weeks of pregnancy and am in my 23rd week.

According to my +What To Expect phone app, Baby #Lukas now weighs about 1 lb and measures about 20 cm from crown to rump. About the size of a spaghetti squash. He's getting so big!! He now has some eye lashes and eye brows. He can perceive light and dark (that is so cool), hear my voice, heartbeat, my stomach when I am hungry, and even my blood flowing through my body! My #husband and I have made it a Saturday-morning tradition to watch the app's weekly video to view our baby's progress. It's pretty exciting to watch, I must say :).

For the simple sake of comparison, I thought it would be interesting to download another app called +Health and Parenting. I think I purchased the complete app for $0.99 (because you only have access to the first 13 or 14 weeks of the app with the free version), but I must say, this one is also pretty cool. The graphics are a little more realistic, there is a slideshow you can play that shows the fetus's weekly physical development through animation, #ultrasound and #3D ultrasound, and the measurements start being taken from crown to heel after the 19th week. According to this app, my #baby is the size of an eggplant this week, weighing in at 1 lb and measuring about 28 cm, and will have a 50% chance of survival if born by the end of this week. This would depend on my health, his gestation, the reason for the premature birth and the quality of medical care he receives. Pressureee! His cerebrum is getting ready to start communicating with cells, and Rapid Eye Movements (REM) have started happening in his sleep. Additionally, I have the option of tracking my weight through this app.

I can't say enough good things about both apps. They have both given me a great and varying wealth of information, and honestly, they make my pregnancy more exciting than it already is.

On that note, a cheers goes out to every other mom in her 23rd week or whatever week she may be in! And since it's Friday, treat yourself to a nice, cool #mocktail. ;)

-Alesia D.

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